Wednesday, June 16, 2010

American Migration Patterns

Cool interactive map at, allowing you to see the migration patterns of your county. Who's moving in and who's moving out.

I've always heard people in Colorado complaining about Texans and Californians moving to town. Looks like California (particularly SoCal) might be justified, but there are as many people moving to Texas as from Texas. Looks like we should be complaining about Floridians and Northeasterners, while folks in Oregon and Washington are probably whining about the Coloradization of their towns.

Via BoingBoing

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Clever Design for a Non-Stop Train

Via Kottke

Experimental Cities Part 1: Charter Cities

Here’s a grand urban concept that has generated plenty of recent policy debate. Economist/entrepreneur Paul Romer is advocating advancement in developing nations through the creation of city-scaled zones in which sponsor nations ensure improved “rules” (Romer’s favorite word) that allow host nation migrant populations to flourish. Think Hong Kong.

Check out Romer's TED talk below (there's even mention of military installations).

Some good points concerning feasibility, etc are raised here, here, and here, among other places.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010