Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Stilt City

This is the same building, before and after the ground was raised up around it.

The link below leads to a fascinating description of how the entire town of Galveston was raised up. In 1900, a hurricane and associated flooding killed 6000 people, prompting city leaders to ambitiously propose that the whole town be elevated. So, they propped all of the buildings in town up as much as 17 feet, and filled in the ground underneath with silt.

Pruned: Galveston on Stilts

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Serious Linkage

This is a long list of interesting, military-related links. Some are a little bit conspiracy-minded (like the hubbub about HAARP, pictured above).

Subtopia: Peripheral Milit_Urb 17