Tuesday, August 24, 2010

If the Rebellion Used Powerpoint


The Car Swallowing Bus

Actually seems more like lightrail than a bus to me.

Via Matt O.

Traffic Jam -> Settlement

A sixty mile long traffic jam in China has been at a standstill for 10 days, and is evolving into a long skinny city.

Via Planetizen


Interesting emergency housing concept.

Via Bob S.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Slo Mo Lightning

Add lightning to the list of things everyone should see in slow motion.

Laser Backpack

A laser equipped, picture taking, inertia sensing backpack that will enable you to instantly map rooms by walking into them.

Via Gizmodo

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Experimental Cities Part 2: Seasteading

Alex Tabarrock offered a good summary of this movement/vision over at Marginal Revolution a while back.  As he points out, it touches on many of the same governance-related themes as the Charter Cities idea. From a design perspective, these cities-at-sea could be paradise islands for anti-automobile planner-types (which would make for an interesting mix of residents, as many of the early supporters have been libertarian-leaning). Actually, The Seasteading Institute has already held an architectural design competition. Looks like the topic could provide some entertaining exercises for all of you Sketchup artists...

Experimental Cities Part 1b

Not exactly the same concept as Paul Romer's 'Charter City' (presented here a few posts back), but the example of the Kaesong Industrial Complex is worth studying in light of that discussion. The contrast between North and South Korean cities in general does a good job of illustrating the urban manifestations of major differences in political economy.

Via To Get Rich Is Glorious